Friday, March 24, 2017

Having a pet can make you happier.

Are you ever stressed out?Do you ever have health problems?If so you might want to think of getting a pet.Having a pet will smooth your stress by petting him or her.Having a pet will also make you healthier by walking more and having lower blood pressure.Having a pet will make you happy because it soothes your stress and make you healthier.

Having a pet will make you healthier and have a better lifestyle.Dog owners walk more and have lower blood pressure.Having lower blood pressure and exercising more will make you live a longer and healthier life, and be happier.
Having a pet will also sooth your stress and makes you feel more relaxed.Petting your dog or cat feels good.It helps your body release a relaxation hormone and cuts down on levels of a stress hormone.If you are less stressed you will be happier.
Some people would say that having a pet will make you unhappy because they cost a lot of money.But paying for your pets food,shots, and expenses will make your pet live longer and healthier.If you pay for your pets health expenses it will make him live longer.If you pet lives longer it will mean more happiness for you.

Having a pet can make you happier in many ways.You should go out to a shelter and adopt a pet.In conclusion having a pet can make you happy by soothing stress and make you healthier.

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